For the past 16 years we have been providing education to adults. NYEC in New York has trained thousands of individuals from all over the world. We are happy to expand to New Jersey English Center (NJEC) and to provide the same quality education in Jersey City . Our mission is to provide an Intensive English Program (IEP) that trains a culturally diverse student body from all over the world to become fluent in American English.
To achieve this mission, the School has identified these objectives:
1. To deliver content-based English language courses designed to help students acquire fluent language skills, be able to think critically in English, to communicate ideas clearly, and demonstrate comprehension competence in English through integrated instruction, tasks and projects.
2. To provide an educational environment that encourages an appreciation of academic language studies coupled with American Culture.
3. To uphold our commitment to have a diverse student community while offering policies that hold students accountable to the school’s high standards of learning.